Ancient Order of Hibernians AOH Irish Culture Ireland
AOH New London


Ancient Order of Hibernians
John P. Holland Division
P. O.
Box 1463
New London, Connecticut

Active Roster



Committee  Chairs Purpose 
Catholic Action Richard Havens  
Cemetery Committee Jim Gallagher, Bud Joyce, Bill Lacy Manage Division's gravesite assignements in St.
Mary's Cemetery. Insert records in Minutes.
Cemetery Observance Joe Coleman Organize Division's annual ceremony at the Division gravesites in St. Mary's cemetery, the day before the annual Communion Breakfast.
Charities and Missions Sean Moore Manage the Division's charitable contributions program.  Insert records in Minutes.
Communion Breakfast Sean Moore and Bill Lacy Organize and manage the annual Communion Breakfast, to fall on Nov. 22 (the anniversary of the death of John F. Kennedy) or the first Sunday following that date.
Education Bud Joyce, John O'Keeffe, Mike Tranchida AOH history with respect to Catholic Church in new London County) and regional I-A history).
Golf Tourney Fran DePeter & Jim Stephenson Organize and host the fall golf tournement: a key fund raising activity.
Irish Heritage Month Jim Gallagher Raise awareness of Irish Heritage with annual educational programs during the month of March.
Irish Hunger Commemoration Jim Gallagher & Bill Lacy Commemorate the victims of the Irish Hunger, 1845-1850 with educational programs and a Mass each May.
Irish Way Committee tbd IManage and publicize the annual Irish Way (IW) program for the Division, interfacing with State and National IW Chairs and with the IACI, as appropriate.
Membership Tom Yourell & Tom Foley Manage the Division's recruitment and retention of members program.  Coordinate with the Financial Secretary.
Picnic Rick Connell and Bill Lacy Organize our Annual Picnic for members and their family. 
Publicity Brian and Peter Moore Establish and maintain our publicity list of contacts for use by committees as well as the Board. Make publicity outreaches as needed
Pro-Life Pete Moore Defend the Church's position on the Right to Life and serve as the spokesman for the Division on this topic.
Sick Committee   Alert members as to those members who are sick or who recently died.  Send condolences, in appropriate forms, to respective members and/or families.  Organize "Wake" and "Funeral" rituals.
Standing Committee Sean Moore Maintain the monthly meeting refreshments activity.  Settle and adjust disputes and grievances in the division.
Website Committee Bob Curry, Rick Connell, Sean Moore Maintain our Website and Facebook pages